Friday, July 27, 2018

Week 5

I think the thing that stood out for me most in this video was how “culture always builds on the past”. For example, we have evolved based on the past and our culture is now more technology-based than ever before. We have come up with renovations that have quicker techniques, such as farmer’s who now have tractors to help run their farms instead of doing manual labor like they did decades ago. It has always built on the past, and I think it will continue to do so. I would consider myself an extremely open-minded person. However, I recently watched a short clip that was posted on Facebook by Tucker Carlson Tonight. It was a video where Cathy Areu, who is a politician was explaining this new idea of “theybies”. An idea where when babies are born, you do not show any gender specific roles, clothing, toys, ideas, etc. until they are four years old and can choose for themselves. This is where it is so hard for me to wrap my mind around, and I think she went too far in expressing her beliefs. I believe we are born with the parts we are given – girls and boys. Yes, I believe kids who do not believe their gender roles fit with their biological traits they were given should have a choice as to what gender they want to declare. However, not declaring a baby as girl or boy is a little much for me to wrap my head around. On the flip side to that, I am not trying to convince anyone to change their mind, I am simply just stating where I believe a politician crossed the line using her freedom of speech. I believe instead of calling them “theybies”, we need to be less stereotypical towards boys and girls. Instead of giving girls princesses and boys trucks, the child can choose what he or she likes to play with. Carlson puts up a great argument against Areu as she gives her case, and it was an interesting video to watch.  
When I was watching the TED talk about WikiLeaks, it was mind blowing to me that they almost never know who the source is who sends in the information. This made me realize that the information “leaked” may not always be true at all. WikiLeak founder did say that when they get leads on the information being inaccurate, then they will immediately take it down. However, once something is published, and put out there for people to see, then folks immediately begin talking about it and spreading the information via social media or mouth. What this means is, that false information is being put out there and we end up believing it. I’m not saying this is always the case, but a lot of times it could be. I believe in our society today, often times people speak their mind too much. I think there is a nice comfortable spot where you can speak your mind, but also be reserved and respectful and know where the boundaries are. For example, when people post things on social media, especially Facebook that initiates an argument over a political matter that should never be addressed in that fashion. However, sometimes in order for change to occur, you have to be extremely open with your thoughts and freedom of speech. I think freedom of speech should be a happy-medium – where you know when to speak and when to not say anything at all.

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